Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My mind is fully challenged, many things are "sketchy" so I've printed the lessons & my New Year's resolution is to revisit a lesson each week. All these new tools need LOTS of practicing before I really can feel/sound intelligent. I didn't realize how overloaded my "system" was until my husband & I had bowls of chili for supper last night, & with my last bite I realized I'd warmed maranara sauce, wondering why there was little chili flavor! My next challenge is what to do with the leftover noodles!!! A couple days of vacation should give the answer!
Happy New Year.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lesson 8 is interesting but I've yet to understand why I NEED another place for my bookmarks. Favorites on Yahoo works just fine for me. After I created a Delicious account & put all my favorites there, I couldn't see much difference than what I used in Yahoo favorites, except for organizing according to type. It is good to know all this creative stuff is out there & maybe some day I'll be inspired to play around with it more. Perhaps people who live at their computers on their jobs would find these sites exciting & useful. I'm just excited to be able to create & retrieve my circulation schedule I'm working on for 2009 in Microsoft Office & Excel, challenge enough for right now! Does this date me?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I thought after today's Health Fair & all the talk of body fat this was perfectly appropriate. Dark chocolate is a healtlh food so think healthy!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm moving right along with a free account in Google docs! I did a test document that it actually saved. Lesson 7 social networking "one-stop-shopping" is intriguing, I had no idea all that stuff is out there. Since I didn't need a new partner or a job I skipped over that part! A check of Jasmine Rockwell's My Space was interesting, as was Julie Erickson's. However when I looked at Wynne Sayer's I didn't appreciate the language in samanthacr's interests in the little pink box so that was the end of THAT for me! I was shocked to see that language so my interest in My Space dimmed considerably.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

You tube is interesting! I decided I needed something humorous & "mindless" but I DID pick something involving a book! Family Guy Electric Man shocked the dog reading a book! I didn't know that when I started watching it so it made it all seem "work related" & not JUST play!!!
Update: I spoke too soon about my excitement of downloading a podcast from Comic Talk Cafe! I was told my computer couldn't download it, and I was welcome to purchase software related to this file type! I said no thanks. Sometimes I feel like there has to be a simpler way to do all this exciting stuff!
I think the old addage "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is false. This old gal is learning a new vocabulary! I actually knew what they were talking about with a podcast since I get information from a medical clinic in a podcast. I looked at commoncraft.com, mediafly, clicked on audio books, Fitness Rocks & tried to do a feed with Fitness Rocks but they didn't publish a feed, I was informed. Sigh! I tried Podcast.com, category books, picked Comic Talk Cafe podcast, & actually got it downloaded without incident! Amazing stuff! It's also amazing how many WINDOWS I had open!